Fighting Against Foie Gras: NYC Moves Toward A City-Wide Ban
Is the “luxury” of foie gras worth the constant suffering of force-fed ducks and geese? A majority of New York City residents think not.
Law & Justice•4 min read
Is the “luxury” of foie gras worth the constant suffering of force-fed ducks and geese? A majority of New York City residents think not.
Law & Justice•4 min read
Dogs and humans alike, all animals play an important role in the world. Is using service dogs justified when their lives are being put in danger?
Law & Justice•6 min read
The effect activists are having on legislative change involving animal rights and welfare is becoming rapid. Two ground-breaking bans were signed into law this past weekend in the State of…
Law & Justice•5 min read
Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro just became the first candidate on the 2020 campaign trail to endorse animal rights. For U.S. politics, this is a surprisingly rare and bold stance.
Law & Justice•8 min read
Tensions between Australian farmers and animal rights activists are making international headlines, fueling a series of high-stakes protests that caught the attention of the country's highest office.
Law & Justice•10 min read
The new program provides hands-on experience on legal advocacy on behalf of non-human animals as part of the school's Animal Law & Policy Program.
Law & Justice•2 min read
Proposed bans in New York City and California are signaling the beginning of the end for the exploitative fur trade. In a last-ditch effort, the industry is paying people to…
Law & Justice•6 min read
Horse-drawn carriages are no longer necessary in today's day and age. Too many horses suffer significantly pulling carriages down busy urban streets and the practice needs to be banned immediately.
Law & Justice•5 min read
While 45 million male chicks can continue to be killed in German egg and poultry industries for now, a new court ruling opens exciting opportunities for expanding and enforcing animal…
Law & Justice•2 min read
With New York City, a world fashion capital, finally joining the crop of cities banning the sale of fur, the exploitative fur industry's days are numbered.
Law & Justice•4 min read
Australians will return to the polls this Saturday in what's becoming a pivotal election for animals and the environment. The big question: Will Australia's next prime minister be friend or…
Law & Justice•7 min read
Since last year’s election, the website has been shut down by pro-Bolsonaro hackers several times. The longest shutdown lasted 30 days.
Law & Justice•7 min read
A sign posted inside the farm read, "What happens in the barn, stays in the barn," an explicit reminder of the industry's aversion to transparency.
Law & Justice•5 min read
Dogs, like children, are social beings. They have a deeply ingrained need for contact with human beings and other dogs—to run, explore, and play—none of which they can do on…
Law & Justice•4 min read
The first amendment exists to protect points of view that our society would otherwise censor—including animal rights. But on Facebook and factory farms, animal advocates are fighting for their right…
Law & Justice•4 min read
They have big hearts, clownish grins, and wildly wagging tails, but pit bulls do pose tough challenges to the humane community. In 2018, nearly half of U.S. pit bulls were…
Law & Justice•3 min read
American consumers should have serious beef with the USDA. The latest outbreak traveled across 10 states in just two days, flying under the radar of federal meat inspectors yet again.
Law & Justice•4 min read
Lunches at public schools in America lack proper nutrition. This mother-turned-founder is taking it upon herself to build an educational curriculum for her daughter that aligns with her vegan values.
Law & Justice•6 min read
Many companies claim the feathers they use in down coats, pillows, and blankets are "sustainable" and "ethical." But such marketing is rampant in industries that want to gloss over the…
Law & Justice•4 min read
Fast food burger giants like Burger King and White Castle are embracing the rise of plant-based foods and adding vegan burgers to their menus. McDonald's, on the other hand, is…
Law & Justice•3 min read
The third-fastest growing vegan market in the world faces its biggest challenge yet—the May 2019 elections. Amid mounting criticism, members of the Animal Justice Party are still hot on the…
Law & Justice•7 min read
There is currently no entity that keeps track of emotional support animals nationwide, which is causing confusion and abuse of the system. Owners who don't need a support animal are…
Law & Justice•4 min read
According to the United States Supreme Court, students do not give up their constitutional rights to freedom of speech and assembly when they walk in the door. If the animal…
Law & Justice•7 min read
Eco-conscious grocery stores like Whole Foods claim their meat is “humane.” The certification is supposed to signify that the animal was slaughtered humanely, but there's no such thing as humane…
Law & Justice•4 min read
The bill, AB 44, would ban the sale of all fur goods across the state, carrying momentum from city-wide bans in California's two largest metropolitan areas.
Law & Justice•5 min read
The movement away from real fur is gaining momentum. As consumers opt for animal-free alternatives, the fashion industry will be forced to respond. Gucci and Versace already took the first…
Law & Justice•3 min read
With the suffering of millions of animals at stake, New York City has the opportunity to send a strong message across the world by banning fur sales.
Law & Justice•3 min read
The benefits to the thousands of homeless pets who are dying for lack of a home each year cannot be overstated. Landlords can make a profitable, life-saving choice by permitting…
Law & Justice•3 min read
This year, deforestation in the Amazon reached a decade-long high, in large part because of an increased demand for soy to feed factory-farmed cattle. Rainforests in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and…
Law & Justice•8 min read
Animal advocates, time to celebrate. The passage of the 2018 Farm Bill signals the resilience of animal protection laws on a national level, something advocates have not seen the likes…
Law & Justice•6 min read
Protests erupted in Brazil after a dog was killed inside a Carrefour supermarket. A security guard savagely beat the animal to death.
Law & Justice•6 min read
The facts don't lie: we’re using grain and other perfectly human-edible nutritious plants to bulk up animals for destruction instead of feeding people who can’t feed themselves.
Law & Justice•11 min read
According to the comprehensive, 52-source study published in Climate Policy, we have reached peak livestock. Politicians can recognize this by writing it into their climate mitigation plans for 2020.
Law & Justice•5 min read
Californians turned out. They voted, and they made Prop 12 happen. As they say, how goes California, so goes the nation.
Law & Justice•5 min read
Animal lives are at stake in the midterm elections. New legislation in California and Florida takes into account nearly 20 million animals. While these two states are quickly becoming battlegrounds…
Law & Justice•1 min read
Alarm bells went off after the Forest Service began rounding up 1,000 wild horses from public lands in California this week. The Bureau of Land Management leases out a lot…
Law & Justice•2 min read
Proposition 12 in California would establish new cage-free housing requirements for baby veal calves, mother pigs, and egg-laying hens. The ballot initiative looks similar to California’s first “cage-free” initiative from…
Law & Justice•2 min read
In 1971, President Richard Nixon signed the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act, the first federal legislation of its kind designated to protect the nation’s wild horse population on both…
Law & Justice•1 min read
Passed in 1918, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act makes it illegal to “take posses, import, export, transport, sell, purchase, barter, or offer for sale, purchase, or barter, any migratory bird,…
Law & Justice•1 min read
World Farm Animal Day came and went! Celebrate by supporting animal welfare in the 2018 Farm Bill. Here's a sample email addressed to your member of Congress that expresses your…
Law & Justice•1 min read
Mercy For Animals/YouTube Fish feel pain, which makes news that California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill to end the use of cruel swordfishing driftnets bittersweet. Footage of these driftnets…
Law & Justice•1 min read
In 1970, the public began to voice their outrage to Congress over the treatment of Tennessee walking horses for the show ring. There was a call for politicians to ban…
Law & Justice•1 min read
Gregory Smith/Flickr A U.S. District judge just reinstated the Yellowstone grizzly bear’s threatened-species status. He claimed the administration wasn’t using the best science in its decision to remove the bear’s…
Law & Justice•1 min read
Vladimir Morozov/akxmedia This federal law set standards for animals being raised for food and transported across state lines. It states: animals that fit into this criteria cannot be transported by "rail…
Law & Justice•1 min read
IAEA/Flickr This legislative mandate directed the Secretary of Health and Human Services to create and enforce guidelines for the care and treatment of animals used in research. It's important to…
Law & Justice•1 min read
Originally passed in 1958, the law was amended in 1978, then again in 2002. It requires USDA inspected slaughterhouses maintain the proper handling and humane treatment of all animals slaughtered…
Law & Justice•1 min read
The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) was preceded in the 1960’s by a public outcry about the growing theft of cats and dogs to be sold for laboratory research. Life and…
Law & Justice•2 min read
In 1967 Congress appropriated $78 million in public funds to the Tennessee Valley Authority to build the Tellico dam along the Little Tennessee River to develop hydroelectricity. Then in 1973,…
Law & Justice•1 min read
A major point of contention over the last 20 years between residents and farmers has been nuisance lawsuits. These claims come in two forms, private and public. A public lawsuit…
Law & Justice•1 min read
North Carolina became the first state to pass legislation that would prohibit the use of the term “milk” for non-dairy products with Senate Bill 711, also known as the North…
Law & Justice•2 min read
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Sentient investigates and explains factory farms and their effect on climate, the environment, animals, health, politics and rural communities.